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Archive | Cancer News

DCA Cancer

Cancer Fighting Snacks – Part 1

By now everyone has heard the media repeatedly saying “Stop Smoking“, “Wear Sunscreen“, “Get Exercise“.. and for good reason.  Each of these three tips have proven to help reduce your risk of getting various forms of cancer, and is also very important for patients who already have cancer as well. What is the media saying now? […]

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5 Cancers That Affect Men

“No man is invincible” says Men’s Health magazine. When it comes to your health, no one is immune to cancer.  The keys to beating the disease are identifying the warning symptoms, getting an early positive diagnosis and undergoing effective treatments for the disease. Here is a list of the top 5 cancers that affect men […]

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Lung Cancer Scans for Older Heavy Smokers

In recent news from the Associated Press, three medical groups recommend new annual lung cancer scanning guidelines for older groups of current or former heavy smokers. These recommendations apply only to people between the ages 55 to 74 that have, or currently are, heavy smokers.  This will make approximately 8 million Americans eligible for screening […]

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Skin Cancer Risks

Skin cancer is a real threat but most people go about life unaware of the sun’s harmful rays. Thousands of people read the MSN article last month about a 69 year old truck driver who suffered extreme damage to the left side of his face because of daily unprotected exposure to the sun.  What could […]

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National Cancer Survivors Day

According to the National Cancer Institute (at the National Institutes of Health), June 3 is National Cancer Survivors Day. A diagnosis of cancer can change everything about a person; relationships, career, lifestyle, and priorities.  A survivor of the disease will often talk about appreciating life more, and so this day is dedicated to those people. […]

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Cancer To Increase By 75 Percent

In a recent paper from the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has reported that cases of people with cancer will surge and increase by more than 75 percent by the year 2030. Researchers found that richer countries such as Britian, Australia, Russia and Brazil had more cancers associated with smoking, […]

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1 in 6 Cancers Are Preventable

According to new estimates published in the Lancet Oncology journal, 1 in 6 cancers is caused by an infect that is either preventable or treatable. The article goes on to explain that approximately 2 million new cancer cases every year are attributable to infections, and that application of existing public health methods such as vaccinations […]

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Deadly Weight

If you’re concerned about cancer, you’ve probably heard that weight, diet, and exercise are three of the most important factors in fighting or preventing this disease.  In this article, we will discuss a recent study on the effects of weight loss on the development of diseases such as cancer. Recent studies by the American Association […]

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DCA Cancer

Most Cancers Are Preventable

Research over the past 20 years has undeniably proven one important fact, that many cancers are indeed preventable. While a small percentage of cancers are caused by genetics, a greater number of cancers are avoidable by healthy diets and avoiding tobacco product exposure. It’s no secret that cigarette smoking and the use of other tobacco […]

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Diet Supplements May Cause Harm?

Millions of Americans take dietary supplements to ward off cancer, but is it causing more harm than good? Health supplements are a 30 billion dollar a year industry.  Many people take dietary supplements such as antioxidants, folic acid, vitamin D and calcium to ward off cancer, however a team of US scientists say there is […]

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