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7 Signs You Should Never Ignore

There are several signs you should never ignore when your body is trying to tell you something. Quite often we just brush these symptoms off as nothing or a sign of aging, but sometimes they can be a warning sign of a serious problem.

DCA Cancer

Here’s what the experts had to say:

  1. Headaches
    Everyone gets the occasional headache, but regular headaches or headaches that last longer than a few days can sometimes indicate a more serious problem such as a brain tumor and meningitis.  Warning signs to look out for are headaches accompanied by fever, stiff neck, vomiting, or one that last for longer than a few days.
  2. Diarrhea
    Most people consider this topic too gross to talk about, even to their doctors, but if you’re experiencing diarrhea for longer than a few days then this could indicate a much more serious problem than just embarrassment.   Possible causes are parasites, Crohn’s disease, cancer, and pancreas or gall bladder problems (just to name a few).  The occasional bout of diarrhea calls for anti-diarrhea medicine, however diarrhea that last for longer than a few days may call for a doctor to investigate.
  3. Acid Reflux
    Acid Reflux is very common.  So common in fact that one in four Americans suffer with this condition regularly.  This of course doesn’t mean that you should ignore it.  Acid Reflux can cause heartburn, dental erosion, asthma-like conditions, or esophageal cancer.  Most people do not realize that Acid Reflux is a progressive disease and can become worse as the anti-reflux valve in your esophagus deteriorates.
  4. Constipation
    It happens to all of us from time-to-time, but are you aware that we should all be having bowel movements one to three times per day?  If you’re experiencing periods without going, this could indicate a blockage, tumor, or prolapse in the colon.
  5. Sleeping Problems
    The occasional restless night is common, especially with today’s stresses, but prolonged issues can be a sign of heart problems, diabetes, or high blood pressure.
  6. Vaginal Discharge
    Abnormal vaginal discharge is not something to ignore.  Watery or bloody discharge could be a warning sign of various types of cervical cancer (such as Large Cell Cervical Neuroendocrine Cancer).
  7. Tooth or Facial Pain
    Tooth and facial pains can sometimes be explained easily as cavities or even a sinus cold/flu, however it can also be a symptom of diseases such as Shingles.  Early detection of Shingles can help to prevent painful and permanent neuropathy, and even blindness.

While some symptoms are simply signs of getting older or a hard week, some symptoms could be a warning sign that something serious is going on.  If you suspect something is wrong, or if a symptom has been lingering a little too long, see your doctor as soon as possible.

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