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Author Archive | DCA Cancer

DCA Cancer

Ford Warriors in Pink

Active in the fight since 1993 against breast cancer, the Ford motor company doubled its efforts in 2006 by introducing a line of clothing wear and gear called Ford Warriors in Pink. The net proceeds from all sales is 100% dedicated to the search for a cure with all donations going to charities offering a […]

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Ovarian Cancer

What Is Ovarian Cancer? Ovarian Cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer related deaths among women of the ages 35-74.  This form of cancer begins in the ovaries, which are the reproductive glands found in women on each side of the uterus in the pelvis.  These glands are the main source for the female […]

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DCA Cancer wants to say Thank You!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year   Dear friends, Please allow us to extend our warmest wishes to you and your loved ones during this special Christmas. It’s hard to believe that another calendar year will soon be coming to a close and we wish your family a peaceful and healthy New Year in 2013. […]

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9/11 Cancers

September marked the 11th anniversary of September 11th attacks. Even after so much time the far reaching effects are still being felt. Fourteen types of cancers have been added to the list of illnesses caused by the tragedy, bringing the total to 58. The additions covered by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, […]

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The Importance of Hydration and Diuretics

While you are on DCA or taking any form of cancer treatment, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet and water intake level.  Both of these have been proven to assist patients during any cancer treatment and have many benefits that go well beyond fighting the horrible disease. There are two understated tips that most […]

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Tanning Bed Warnings

The great Tanning Bed debate continues.. are they safe or are they as bad for you as smoking? Just when you thought you heard the final verdict on how safe  tanning beds are, the $4.9 billion industry fights back and defends itself saying that tanning is a good source of vitamin D and that doctors […]

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