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Liver Cancer Testimonials

Welcome to the Liver Cancer Testimonial page.  This is a small collection of the testimonials we have received directly from the customer (or through our sister company).

Please note that names and some personal information has been removed for the privacy of the customer.  Also note the number of testimonials does not necessarily reflect the effectiveness of DCA on this type of cancer.

If you wish to have your good news or success story added, please Contact Us.

Liver Cancer Testimonials

1. Pancreas and Liver Cancer

Tue, December 11, 2012 11:20 am
Subject: vital and urgent inquiry
Dear Sirs,
A good friend of mine is recovering miraculously from a very aggressive pancreas and liver cancer, thanks to your DCA powder.

Since we have a close relative aged 57 who is suffering a very aggressive linfatic [sic] NO Hodgkin cancer, being oxygen dependant since a month ago, with considerable weight loss, can a similar effect / cure be expected, provided an adequate dosage combined with vitamin B is taken by the patient ?
Many thanks for yr reply.

2. Liver Cancer

By the way does dca also normalises blood pressure because she has a history of hypertension but I noted that her blood pressure has dropped after she started with dca so much so I want to ask her doctor to reduce her blood pressure medication. Which is a good thing that means less medication going through her system.

3. Endocrine Tumor in her Liver

Metastatic Cancer of an unknown origin, with Endocrine Tumor in her Liver and Lungs and the suprarenal gland of her right Kidney
Sun, November 10, 2013 11:23 pm
My mother is 68 years old, (height 5’3, weight 59 kilos) she has metastatic cancer of an unknown origin, with tumors in the lungs, liver and the suprarenal gland of her right kidney has been affected. She has had two chemotherapy sessions of 3 infusions each already.

She started taking DCA a little over two weeks ago (almost three). She feels a lot better and the excess fluid she had accumulated is gone. Her DCA dose is two capsules in the morning and two DCA capsules at night. She also takes a thiamine vitamin capsule in the morning and one at night.

I must say, she does not mention having DCA side effects.

On Tue, October 29, 2013 1:20 am
Thank you for your previous email. The recommended DCA dose you mentioned sure has helped my mother who has an endocrine tumor in her liver and lungs. She feels a lot better and her liver function shows some progress.
She just finished her second chemotherapy session last Wednesday Oct. 23, 2013. RR

Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 12:23:57
Thank you for the email.
My mother is quite ill, she has cancer with an endocrine tumor in her liver with unknown primary origin. Metastasis is present, mainly affecting her lungs, and suprarenal gland (right side).- She has started chemotherapy, her second session will begin monday October 21 2013.
Age: 68 years old, female.
Weight: 69 kilograms.
Please advise me as of the reccomended DCA and thiamine dose for her.
All your comments are most welcome!
Thank you,

4. Liver Cancer

Wed, July 31, 2013 4:31 pm
I did as your recommendation and it worked. the pet scan on 07/24/2013 showed the cancer is decreased in size,
I would like to continue the treatment and I need your recommendation again please.
I thank you in advance,

On Mon, May 27, 2013 4:36 pm
Hi, Thank you in advance for your help. in January 2013, CT revealed two
right hepatic lesions, treated with chemotherapy X 6,last treatment
04/24/2013. medications: Gemzar & Abraxane
Weight:140 Lb
Best Regards,

On 05/27/13
Hi there and thank you for your quick respond. I have purchased these for my brother. I have copied him here to provide the information you are inquiring.